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  • Free Magnet

    With every membership get a free magnet to place on your fridge. It will always be there to remind you that you have us to call to the rescue! That's to refer a friend or if you need assistance at your own home.

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  • Our membership offers a buy three rooms, you get an area for FREE. It provides 20% off ALL SERVICES while memberships last. Members get before and after pictures of all work. How else would you be able to show your friends or family your amazing transformation?

    This is especially good for Real Estate Developers, Real Estate Agents, Investors, Contractors or clients who own a fixer upper. Each membership last for a year, but if you'd like to stay a member just follow directions on your email to continue our services.

    If you are not a member, let us give you a sneak peek at all the money you could save.

    This is a yearly payment of $300. With all the savings, it pays for itself.

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